
When we have news to share you’ll usually find it on our Facebook and Instagram feeds but often you’ll find it here too.

Ready, Steady, Go

The waters around the coast of the UK are probably about to have their busiest year ever. Paul Glatzel discusses what you can do to make the most of your time afloat while ensuring you keep friends and family safe. … Continued

New website goes live

  This is the first stage in a series of website updates to take the PTUK website back to the forefront of the sites in our sector. For many years we’d like to think we have come up with a … Continued

Welcome to the RNLI!

From 2014/5 the RNLI will start building the new Shannon class at the main RNLI HQ in Poole – a stones throw from our classrooms and a site that every course on the water passes repeatedly when they are afloat. … Continued

Congratulations to Peter and Chris…..

Each year we run a considerable number of RYA Powerboat Instructor, RYA Advanced Powerboat Instructor and RYA Personal Watercraft (‘Jetski’) Instructor courses. So far this year we have run 5 PBI courses and these are invariably run by Paul and … Continued